Monday, February 17, 2025

Getting Visitors Is Very Simple When You Use Social Bookmarking

August 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Blog traffic is the single thing that many blogger will say is their primary issue. The quantity of garbage programs which are on the Internet is actually ridiculous. You can find authentic ways to get visitors to your blog without having to use any of those ineffective traffic programs and we are going to describe one of those methods in this article.

One thing you should know about social bookmarking is that the social websites themselves will be able to boost your traffic almost instantly. The second thing that is fantastic is you are creating backlinks for your site each and every time you bookmark one of these posts on the social bookmarking sites. As many of you already know the more backlinks you have the more traffic you will get from the search engines. The best part is after you keep building these links the search engines will tend to rank your site higher inside their results.

While you can sign up for as many social bookmarking Internet sites as you want the true secret is to focus on the high PR sites first. Some of these higher page rank sites are sites like Google Bookmarks, Hi5 and Reddit. Of course there are a huge selection of social bookmarking Internet sites that are available online. If you begin by just signing up for about 40 of these websites you will do pretty well. You’ll find lists of these sites by just performing a search in the search engines. Once you have your list you will need to set aside Three or four hours to go through and sign up for all these websites.

Now all you need to do is take the new posts you make and add them to all the social bookmarking sites, this is the post web address not your homepage. Once more this can be time consuming taking up to TWO hours to log in and submit your bookmark to all the sites. This technique when done each day can present you with an instant surge in your website visitors.

You really don’t have to join all these sites yourself as you can hire people to sign you up to about 40 social sites and they normally will only charge you $5. While that will help you save time on the join up process, you will still have to make your posts everyday. For those of you who would like an easier way to get these links posted on social bookmarking sites there are a pair of programs that could help. The first is only wire and the next system is ping. fm. These two programs will automatically post your links to the social bookmarking websites using your login details for each website.

This really is a simple system that will get you the traffic you need in order to start generating more money. You should also keep in mind that every time you make a post and bookmark that page you will be creating 40 to 50 backlinks to your blog which will in addition help with your search engine ranking.

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