Monday, February 17, 2025

How to Boost the Page Rank(PR) of your Blog site & Drive Traffic using other people Blogs

This is one of the easiest method you can use. it will not just increase the Rank of your new post page but also it will bring you free targetd traffic Instead of writing a very long article about it here ar the step-by-step methods.

After you have post a new contents to your blog such as ( new article, video, short post) get your URL link and do the following steps immediately:

  Step 1: go to yahoo answer and search for Questions that are related to the topic of your Blog post, answer those questions promptly and then leave your new blog post URL link inside the reference source box , yahoo answer is a Do-Follow site and Google will soon give you credit for this backlink.

Important: Do not do social bookmarking at the moment because first its a new blog post and second Google don’t like pushy back-links straight away from those sites.


Step 2:  Your next step is to do Ping-Backmeans you go search for Blogs has a PR link 3+ or more and do ping-back on their posts, you can either do this manually or you may wanna use some tool like Market Samurai if you don’t have this software you can download a free version here  Below is video tutorial explain the ping-back technique:

Step 3: Your last step is to find Blogs with extention of .Gov and .Edu on their Domain names. these are essential if Google see your page has lots of backlinks form those TLDs(top level Domains) it means your site is so important that those TLDs domain such as .Edu and .Gov has outer link to your Blog page ;)

How to find those TLDs Blogs ?

Two ways to do can either do it manually or do it using automated tool

Below are two videos explain the both methods manually and automated :

VIDEO1:how to get quality backlink Manually:


  VIDEO2: using this Automated Tool Blog Linking Demon to enjoy your life !

 Click here to free yourself from boring back-linking job




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