Monday, February 17, 2025

Despite Having Lots Of Expertise To Use, Future Employers Won’t Be Overwhelmed

February 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

I am in an awkward place. I need a job very soon. I have schemes going which will, I am sure, be fruitful in the medium term with regard to affiliate marketing and the SEO which enhances the fishing shop which I am operating. No, this isn’t the issue. What is, is the meantime which is near enough, by my calculations, now. My personal finances have shrunk into the red area and this is why I require a job.

The issue I have with that is that my abilities are, to be brutal, useless to a possible employer. I have lots of them, don’t get me wrong, I know stuff and can do loads of stuff perfectly well using the knowledge I have. The difficulty is that nearly all of the things of which I speak is self taught and not really been used in anger. Let me provide an example.

In the spring of last year, I answered an advert at the Jobcentre Plus website advertising SEO, which wasn’t something I had heard of about, but that wasn’t an issue according to the ad. So I replied and spoke to one of the directors of the company which was named Kalmindon Ltd (hopefully the day will never dawn when you’ll be glad I informed you of that). I consented to meet the guy at a Job Centre just north of Birmingham and we talked more and I was really taken with the bloke who’s name is Jim Akin (see brackets above) and really wanted to work with him. I was required to pay for the training (as explained in the ad which was 2500 plus VAT but since[ I had some money left to me from my late grandmother’s legacy, I borrowed the money, met Jim again at a Job Centre in Leamington and passed it over. And since Jim and Kalmindon (jointly owned with his brother John, see previous 2 brackets) guaranteed renumerated employment on completion at favourable rates, it was not a gamble.

I drove back and when I got home, the teaching website was available for me and I got started. It took about 6 weeks to do, a bit longer than I’d anticipated but once I was coming towards the end, I emailed Jim to notify him I was almost ready for the 1st client he had promised to supply. John Akin rang me a few days later to say that he was in the last stages of putting the contract in place for my initial client, but in the meantime I could get some practice by working on doing the SEO for a website they’d written for a client that had gone out of business but they were attempting to sell it and the domain name. It was no problem to do that and I went about doing real world SEO.

Anyway to cut a long story short, Kalmindon and Jim and John Akin were operating a scam. There were no third parties and never were, the entire motive was to get folks to pay for an SEO training program and fob them off for as long as possible. But in the meantime, reaching the realisation where I understood that I had been tricked had taken many months and during that time I had gone through an awful lot of my own cash including nearly all of the estate my grandmother had left me. I attempted to find some freelance SEO employment for a while and promoted my own website that offers SEO, affiliate marketing services as well as IT support and software consultancy to small business in the Wolverhampton area.

As this was not working very fast I investigated affiliate marketing as a possibility and decided to have a go, built a shop online and signed up for various affiliate marketing programmes and inserted companies with a fishing theme on my site. So now I am running the SEO and it is scaling rapidly up the search engine rankings but is not yet approaching the top, so I have been learning pay-per-click advertising as well to direct traffic in the meantime.

So you see I do not really have a lot that a future employer would look at as regards SEO and exclaim “that’s the chap for us” as what I have isn’t real workplace experience and the same must be said for php programming and web building skills because I taught myself when I had to learn them for something I was doing and have only very limited use in a business sense and the rest of my computing skills were last used so long ago as to be completely useless now. And of course, I do not have a degree. If I did of course, there’d be no problem since naturally I could do anything if I was a graduate, but it wasn’t crucial in the mid-80′s. All I can offer is experience and knowledge. If there’s no alternative, I’ll have to go on the game, go down to the harbour and work my passage aboard ship.


To find out more about Search Engine Optimisation and the advantages it can bring, visit Osiris Web Services

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