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Building Your Own Article Directory Doesn’t Have to be Hard

December 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

There are many powerful things you can do when you create and manage an article directory in your niche.

It is really all up to what you want to accomplish with online business. However, there are certainly other powerful benefits you can derive from owning and developing an article directory, or more than one. Why not build a whole slew of niche article directories, and then you can really do something on a large scale if you want. Also, there are several methods for creating an article directory including solutions that offer convenience to you. We have more great tips for creating and managing an article directory.

Your future results with ranking and organic traffic will be a result of how well you do your keyword research. If you are familiar with the seo silo structure, then that is what you want to achieve with your article directory. Do not neglect any aspect of your site in terms of on page seo. Yes, it is an upfront hassle, but it is an investment that can provide tremendous returns down the road. Tracking and making appropriate adjustments is smart online marketing 101. You have no idea how big this will get, so be sure to choose a very good tracking script. The only way to optimize and improve your site is by being able to make intelligent decisions based on accurate data. Google Analytics is something you may want to consider. Analytics would serve your purposes very well on a directory. But you may not want to use that simply because of your personal feelings about Google. Statcounter is used by very many people and could be worth your time to investigate.

It will be your responsibility to also create plans for how you want to market your directory. If you are not new to IM, then that will help you a lot as you know. There is video, articles, social marketing, search marketing as well as others. Think for a moment about what this whole process is all about. Backlinks – that is also what is happening when you promote your site using certain methods. So building backlinks plus promotion is all good and you will benefit from it.

Since you are the owner, you will need to lay out a plan for marketing it by yourself, usually. If you have the experience and knowledge, then that will be a good thing for promoting your article directory. If you are knowledgeable, then that part should not present much of a problem for you. There really is no reason why you cannot use most available marketing and advertising options. You do not have to spend a lot of money for promotional efforts if you have the knowledge for that. You will market this just like any other site, more or less, and so approach it from that angle. You can truly benefit in many ways if you create and manage an article directory that supports your other main business. There are tons of good things that come with it, so we suggest you give it a serious consideration. If you are leaning toward it, then take your time and learn as much as possible. Nothing replaces a solid business plan and good investigation.

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