Monday, February 17, 2025

A Search Engine Optimization Performance Evaluation

January 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

As stated, here is my initial search engine ranking positions case study analysis for Quite a few Search engine ranking optimization specialists would not dare show their positioning results to anyone and if they do, they will likely just list the select few words they actually rank for making claims there exists numerous others. In my opinion, the ideal way to evaluate any kind of seo company, consultant, service or campaign will be to observe first hand each of the the search terms being ranked and their advancements, both good or bad, for their individual website.

There is not very much to study here with my very first post. Because my SEO services / consulting website officially commences Dec 1, 2010, there has not been any Seo work undertaken so far that is why my site is not ranking for any keywords in any respect.

I have got a large amount of work before me to accomplish and after what I have come across, SEO – Search Engine Optimization is definitely a significantly competing category. Not just that, the option that I have made a decision to employ my personal domain name instead of creating a domain which includes SEO or Search Engine Optimization inside of it, can be a strike against me (Google likes to see search phrases in your domain). Yet I have had this particular domain since 2001 and it best represents me and my intent to deliver my services personally and so I’ll stick with it … from the bad and the good.

By the way, Search engines furthermore loves old domain names. The more aged and crustier a domain is, the better. Should you have an older domain with your most important keywords inside it, more power to you! Even while 3 letter domains can be really valuable in the secondhand market as well as for effortless remembrance, they’re not beneficial with Seo.

Directly below is my initial position report. As opposed to the case studies that I will submit pertaining to my customers, I will be including the actual keyword phrases in contrast to blocking them with regard to client privacy intentions.

So, lets see what the up coming few months will bring as much as keywords ranking activity. The very first 30 days or so could be challenging when beginning an entirely fresh website because with virtually any new venture, one shouldn’t be too excessive due to the fact Search engines wants to notice good steady progression. Although this relates way more for a newly registered domain, when a site has experienced hardly any activity in the months or years previously, a gentle touch is urged.

Anthony Nunes SEO offers the best search engine optimization seo consultant services. He provides seo services to a conservatories prices company.

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