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What You Should Know About Increasing the Quality Score of Your AdWords Campaign

June 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

If you concentrate on delivering relevant ads that convert then you can get a decent return on your investment from every AdWords campaign you create. Google increases the Quality Score of your account as a reward if you have ads that perform well. So, below is some advice on how to increase your Quality Score.Traffic Player

Get Rid of Keywords That Are Too Broad: Very broad keywords can lower your Quality Score and cost you money without giving you a good return. These are the type of keywords that will tend to give you many impressions but not many click throughs, so you’re better off removing them. Sometimes even keywords that aren’t very broad will have this problem. It’s best to filter out any keywords that you see are producing a large number of impressions despite an unimpressive CTR. Every single penny that you spend on AdWords needs to be spent while keeping the ROI in mind.

Work on Your Landing Pages: Since your Quality Score can be affected by the performance of your landing pages, it is imperative that you do everything you can to improve their results. Try to make your landing pages load as quickly as you can. Clean up your landing page’s CSS and images by removing extra code and links to external sources. On the other hand, there’s no need to overdo it by compressing CSS or JavaScript code. You simply have to make sure you don’t have too many offsite connections to scripts while also ensuring that image file sizes are as low as possible. You should also study your landing page’s bounce rate and the time your visitors spend on there by using a program that tracks information such as Google Analytics. You need to do everything you can to ensure you have a low bounce rate, which might require adding or subtracting different elements from your page.

Use Geo-Targeting: Personalizing your ads according to the location is one more thing that gives you a higher clickthrough rate. Google conducts its performance analysis on a geographic level. In other words, if you find that your CTR is higher in a certain location, your Quality Score will be higher there. Additionally, if conversions are better in that area, then you can consider paying more per click. It can be done with no detrimental effect on your campaign, but it isn’t necessary to increase your bid.IM Mentors

Improving your Quality Score takes time, which means you won’t have a great score the same day as opening your AdWords account. To get the most out of your campaign you will have to be patient and make sure you are taking the correct approach.

Cash Renegade. Free reprint available from: What You Should Know About Increasing the Quality Score of Your AdWords Campaign.

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