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The 4 Most Common Failures of New Online Ventures and How to Avoid Them

June 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Running an online business is becoming more and more popular and there are many smart individuals that are able to make internet based ventures a huge success. Why not you? The good news is that you can experience the same success if you follow four basic business rules that apply both in offline and online businesses:

Plan and Prioritize Tasks. If you want to be the proud owner of a successful business you will certainly need to learn the art of prioritizing. Do not think about creating a PayPal account if you do not have a website yet. Do not worry about gaining clients if you are not sure what product you are going to be giving them or what service you will be providing.

Failure to Be Realistic. Make sure you are being realistic with your dreams and aspirations. Like any other business, in the online world success comes with perseverance and time. You will only set yourself up for failure and become very upset if your goals are not realistic. You can’t hope to make a million dollars in a week unless you are buying a lottery ticket. Start with a target of $100. When you achieve that set yourself a new target of $500 and so on.

Improve and Optimize. Continue to evaluate where your business is at and what new goals you need to set or what changes you need to be making. This is a great way to keep your business moving forward. There are many individuals that are not motivated enough to keep up with their business plans and what they need to change in order for their business to continue thriving. Failure to study your analytics, record your metrics, analyze your number of clicks and their sources, study your conversion rates and optimize your site accordingly is a very common pitfall. If you want to be successful you must continually evaluate your business and make necessary adjustments.

Failure to Maintain Interest. You will need to remain interested in your business. Spend some time each week reminding yourself of why you started your business in the first place. Take a picture of your dream home, luxury car, exotic vocation with your family and imagine yourself attaining what you desire. Close your eyes and think how you will feel when your business has reached the level you want it to reach. In the meantime, give yourself a reward for achieving your weekly/monthly task. Go out for a meal, enjoy a luxury treatment, have a glass of your favorite drink. This will keep your desire high and your long term motivation even higher.

Starting an online business is no different than any other. We are no longer talking about home-based businesses. These are now replaced by computer-based businesses that mark the beginning of a new generation; A generation whose entertainment, communication and employment is geographically free, flexible and mobile. The principles of success, however, are the same as they have ever been in any business.

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