Sunday, February 23, 2025

List Of Common SEO Mistakes

September 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Having your site near the top of the major search engines is actually crucial if you wish to be successful online. This is why webmasters take advantage of different SEO techniques to get their sites ranked. Concurrently there are several mistakes that need to be avoided. To help you avoid this, we provide you with a set of 3 errors you should not commit:

Site design: The use of flash and images could be good for the aesthetic facet of your site but a genuine downfall to SEO. This must be done only when necessary. All sites built in flash are indexed poorly by the search engines and is really not recommended. This also is true for Ajax content also. They aren’t visible to search engines and will not be indexed.

Contents: Duplicate content also needs to be removed from the website. The search engine can notice that two pages are the same and thus eliminate one. In the same manner, existing content on other websites is going to be considered duplicates and removed in turn. This is why we should stay away from copy and paste. It’s also recommended that you avoid “under construction” pages. Make sure that you avoid these internet pages from being indexed.

You should also ensure that your contents are written with SEO in mind. For instance you should make appropriate utilization of title tags in order to display in search engine pages. You need to avoid any repetition of keywords and titles to ensure that your pages are indexed properly by the various search engines. You need to stay away from black hat techniques such as invisible text to get your site ranked. I know individuals who use CSS so as to blend their text into the background of the webpage so as to spam the search engine index.

Backlink mistakes: Everybody knows that backlinks are essential in order to get your website ranked. However you need to ensure that you do not overdo it. Getting too much links inside a short time will only attract the attention of the search engines and you may end up in Google sandbox. Simultaneously you should make sure that you only obtain links from respected and related sites. There is no reason for getting a link from a sport website if you’re in the health industry. Always make sure that they’re related. Make sure that you build your link slowly during a period of time so that it appears as natural as you can.

Although SEO is essential to get your site ranked you should be cautious with it. Certainly if done wrongly you may end up getting your website penalized. Make sure that you don’t commit the mistakes listed above.

Prior to using the above information you should make sure that you have done a proper keyword research . You can do this by making use of one of the different tools that exist on the market. One recommended piece of software is keyword country. There are various keyword country reviews that exist on the internet to help you have a better understanding.

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