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How to Write Better SEO Copy

November 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

SEO copywriting is all about developing high quality content for your site that is effectively optimized for the search engines and also understandable by the human readers Internet Marketing Tips.

For the best results from SEO coypwriting, try to aim at a good content to code ratio. What does that mean? It’s nothing but balancing the text in your content with the code. You can check the ratio by looking at the HTML code within your site’s source code. Work towards keeping the amount of text far higher than the HTML code for a good ratio. Search engines prefer this kind of ratio if you get it right. Remember, the more content you have, the better. Plenty of content plus clean code that is far less than the amount of content you have will help your rankings.

Factors such as keyword density and the length of your copy all play an important role when it comes to search engine optimized content. Talking about the length of your copy, you should try to have at least 500 words on your homepage so that the search engines are able to find enough text on the page to see the keyword relevance. Some sites only have a paragraph or two on their homepage, and this may cause the search engines to pass the site by and not rank them. You should also know that search engines look mainly at the first part of a page, so this is where you should put your primary keywords. You want your content to be high quality and relevant, but it also has to contain enough words for the search engines to recognize it.

When you utilize the correct tags, you’ll rank higher with searches and you’ll also organize your copy more effectively. That means you should use the h1 tag when creating your page’s title, as that’s the tag that Google likes the most. Just keep in mind that the keywords that you include in the title are also present in the content. Don’t be like the many SEO marketers that don’t see h1 tags as important when creating their headings, because using the tags can give you a jump in the rankings. You should also utilize h2 tags for your subheadings Affiliate Marketing Tips.

In summary, SEO copywriting is about creating content that pleases both your readers and the search engines.

Be sure to read the full SEnukeX Review and get the best informaiton about SEnuke X.

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