Friday, March 14, 2025

Domain Flipping For Quick Hard Cash

July 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

There are new products being released all the time that try to reveal the latest methods for making money on the internet. Flipping domains, on the other hand, is a proven opportunity to make money and sometimes quickly, although not every person is aware of the market for this.

In the same way as owning a website means you have an asset, this is also the case whenever you purchase a domain. The reasons domain names can be profitable is a topic we can examine further.

It is a inescapable fact that some incredibly valuable domains have been bought and sold over the years and if you are just entering into this marketplace you will run into people who do this full time. Dot com domains followed by dot net and dot org are the ones with the highest market value and it is fair to say that it is harder now to find names that have not been registered. Nonetheless, there is still very good money to be made if you understand what you are looking for and this requires you to become familiar with the marketplace.

The first sort of domain we can take a look at are short domains and as a basic guideline the shorter the name the more valuable it can be. A domain along these lines has the potential to be branded and this is the reason they are sought after especially to be used in areas such as social web sites. It is evident that one name could have far greater appeal than another as this will depend on the actual characters in the domain. Put simply a random mix of the wrong letters would have almost no appeal to someone so it is a matter of your own sound judgment and seeing what else works in the marketplace.

Domain names based on keywords is the next area we can look at and these can be found in a similar way as researching markets on the internet. Google’s keyword tool is implemented by many people for researching in internet marketing and, in domaining, the exact match options are often used.

The more instances an exact keyword is searched for, the more valuable the domain could be to acquire if you still can get it. The dot net and dot org extensions can be rewarding if you find that the more sought after dot com has already been registered. As you become more competent, you will get an idea as to what markets are the most profitable as this will impact the price paid for domains.

A further area of expanding interest for domainers are extensions associated with particular countries such as the UK and Germany. The explanation is that there are still domains readily available in potentially high value markets that could therefore make sound investments. If you learn from the sales and profits being made, you can align yourself to make some money as well. There are domain name marketplaces like Sedo and forums for buyers and sellers such as NamePros and DNForum that you should frequently visit.

There is a learning curve at first and if you recognize this, you can start to make money from the domains you personally own.

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