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Best Techniques For Locating Backlinks To Boost PR

December 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Getting your site highly ranked today isn’t easy, and if you want to have a chance you really need high PR back links to give you a boost. There are two basic and very general camps with SEO. In the first category are marketers who base their actions entirely on what Google says without question, while in the second category are people who consider Google’s pronouncements to be general guidelines rather than strict rules. High page rank back-links, however, are something everyone, no matter what kind of marketer they may be, knows the value of. You may as well go after the links that are going to do your site the most good, as those are the high PR ones. Even if you use bookmarks for back links on a huge scale, we know you would not turn down a great back-link from a high PR site page.

Gaining high quality back-links is easy if you utilize blog commenting. You can find people selling back-links specifically for these kinds of blogs. Or you can find them your self using scripts that people have on their sites. Now that you have a source you can either get them yourself or outsource it to someone else.

One of the drawbacks of back-linking is that it’s not instant it will take some time. You’ll want to save money by doing it yourself at least at first unless you have the cash laying around to outsource right away. In order to avoid having your comments deleted make sure they are intelligent and thoughtful.

You can find lots of high PR back-links from doing what is called, forum back-linking. All you need to do is make sure that any forum you want to use allows at least one link in your signature file. Some forums will not let you put a link in your signature file. Another approach to forum back-linking is to buy services that specialize in this type of back linking. That was just a heads up about it, and it is not something we will suggest you do. You should always cover your tracks, and by that we mean look natural and have different sources for your back-links. If for some reason you are ever human-reviewed by Google, then you want everything to look as natural as possible.

It’s still possible to leverage the power of huge social networks like Facebook, despite the no-follow link policy they’ve implemented. In most cases, a site will be do-follow when it first launches, but when millions of people start using it to gain back-links, it is forced to become no-follow. It’s a mistake, though, to not value no-follow back links. Do-follow links, naturally, are more beneficial. Any back-links are better than none, and it’s also good to mix the type of links you get, so Google doesn’t get suspicious. After all, Google is smart enough to know that a site that only has back-links that are do-follow from high PR sites, is doing something beyond natural linking. If you can get no-follow links from high PR sites, then, you should do so. You can obtain high PR back-links using a wide variety of tactics. If you’d prefer to outsource your back-linking, then you should do it. However, if you are unfamiliar with outsourcing, then getting educated about all the potential pitfalls common to outsourcing will be time and money well spent

A strong seo campaign will be able to help you maximize your time and effort by helping you focus on the right things. You can visit us at the blog to find out exactly how inbound marketing should be done.

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