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Best Affiliate Internet Marketing Product

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Keywords Research – Market Samurai

In this piece, we’re going to have a look at diving into key phrase research with another free tool; Market Samurai. Yes, there’s a paid version of MS available nonetheless , for precisely performing keyword inquiry, the demo, or free version is more than sufficient with the intention of this draft and the study required.

After you install and update MS the first time, you’ll be taken to the project screen. Here is where you can decide to either create a new project, or work on an existing one. For this exercise, let us take it from the point of creating a new project.

First, use the core keyword we’re going to be using for the tool for, an example would be “Power Skating” for the Hockey teaching niche.

Once you have established the project, click on that left menu option for Keyword Analysis, confirm that in the keyword field is the core keyword, then select the “Generate Keywords” button. In a very short measure of time MS will return a large list of potential keywords for you to pick from. From here, we wish to cut down the list based on how relevant the keywords are as some of the results will be well outside the range of our research. You can go throughout the whole list, eliminating the key phrases that doesn’t match our target, or, an efficient choice is usually to use the “Positive” or “Negative” keyword filter on the left side. Enter in the keywords that the software must include. In our example, keywords similular to “hockey skating”, “Power skating”, “hockey”, “Ice Hockey”, etc may be employed. The other option is to enter in all keyword phrases you don’t wish to be included in the “must exclude” box for phrases the keyword tool must not include. “Field Hockey” as an example we don’t want be in our desired listing of keywords, nor would “Figure skating Drills”, or “Lacrosse Drills”. Generally the “Include” option is much quicker and keeps only the keywords that are literally related to our search criteria.

We do this elimination process before we select “Analyze Keywords” to avoid putting excessive load on both the MS and Google Keyword/Google Traffic Estimation Tool servers, it also helps us qualify the list before we proceed any farther.

It is at this point when we will then select the “Analyze Keywords” button. This will get the mandatory raw info from Google and assist us in reducing our keyword list thru filter selection. The process can also be rather time-consuming, so by reducing the quantity of raw words to work with, also we are reducing the wait time.

Once the Analysis has been finished, we will have an inventory of keywords with a wild variety of values listed beside them. It is at about that point where Market Samurai excels. At the top of the interface, make sure that the pre-set is set to no-filters, we are going to do that process ourselves to ensure we get the very finest possible list. Above the “Pre-Set” pull down you will see a wide variety of filter options. These are highly helpful in discovering much more data than we need at this point, so it is very important to de-select the ones that we aren't going to be using to help clear up the fields. Make sure that the following checks are enabled, we are going to be adding the values we want in the following few steps.

For our research, the filters we'd like are as follows:

Total Searches,

Search Engine Optomise (S.E.O)

Search Engine Optimise Traffic (SEOT),

AdWords Cost Per Click (AWCPC),

Search Engine Optimise Competition (SEOC),

Search Engine Optomise-Title Competition (SEOTC),

Also the Search Engine OptomiseTitle/Competition (SEOTCR).

As an optional, you can select Search Engine Optomise value (SEOV).

After entering the checkmark, if there is not already one there, we want to enter the values that will help us the most. The 1st field, Total Searches, is just a ballpark value of how many searches are made in a particular timescale. While not 100%, it is valuable to know if there have been 0 searches on a keyword phrase or not, so the minimum worth we want in here is 1.

Leave SEO Traffic field blank, this simply returns the possible potential number of clicks if a site ranks in the top spot.

AWCPC, again, we can leave this worth blank, as it returns what the existing (guessed) cost per click for that keyword is in the Google Adwords system, it beneficial to know this factor to evaluate the value of a keyword if it is later your choice to for a Pay-per-click campaign.

SEO Competition (SEOC), this element is a filter to ban keywords that transcends the value entered. To paraphrase, if we would like to exclude keywords that have a S.E.O Competition of greater than 10,000, then we enter that as the greatest value all keywords with SEOC greater than 10,000, would then be removed. SEOC can generally be found by entering the keyword in quotes “” into the search engine. This is a measure of how many indexed sites have the. Exact match to your keyword. The greater the value the harder it is to contend. Entering a worth larger than 10,000 simply suggests that the keyword may be saturated and you might be facing stronger, and well established sites.

Title Competition (SEOTC), reflects how many indexed sites contain the exact match keyword in the title of a site, video, article, etc. Anything which has the keyword, exactly matching, in the title, this is valuable information as SEOTC and SEOC are both participatory factors (among others however SEOTC and SEOC are heavily weighted), in determining relevancy to the search question phrase. To paraphrase, the more indexed sites that match both SEOTC, and SEOC, the harder it is to rank for. This field can be left blank, however a valuation of 5,000 maximum would return keywords that have got fewer competitors and thus should be easier to out-rank the competition for. This price may also be found straight from thru the intitle qualifier. The question would be intitle:”keyword”

Title/Comp (SEOTCR), is a comparison between the prior two values, represented in a %, the lower the value the less competition. This price can be left blank, however to scale back the list to an even more controllable number, a max price of 30 is very beatable.

The final option is SEO Value (SEOV), this value is a rough indicator of what the traffic generated, through that keyword would be worth. It shouldn’t be considered heavily in selecting your keywords, but can be employed to guess a coarse price thru AdSense (passive advertising) ads, if you made the decision to add them to your website.

When all of the above values have been entered (or left blank), you will then select the “Analyze Keywords” button to fill in the proper fields, as not all of the fields are searched for after the opening keyword selection process.

Once the Investigation of the rest of the keywords is complete, you have a profitable key-phrase list to get started with, not forgetting that all new data is presented for that current time/date. Since these are active searches, the values may change in as little as a day or two.

These values and selections are just the ones that I use when performing my research with Market Samurai, I am really not an expert in the software, and have no ties to, and receive no compensation for the data presented above. This is merely the method that I use to discover a list of words that help me, in my opinion Market Samurai is the best affiliate marketing product available online today.

Market Samurai is a very powerful tool, and offers much more functionality than is discussed here, and may be evaluated on your own, with your own express needs under consideration. I'm hoping you find my settings and values to be of help.

Good luck and best wishes….

If you’re looking to locate the most profitable affiliate marketing products online or to learn more in your quest to profit as an affiliate marketer, visit our website. We have a wide variety of affiliate products to promote simply select a product relevent to your niche.

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