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Web-site Search Engine Optimization Keyword And Key Phrase Ranking Actual Performance Results

January 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Rio Exclusive is a seo project that i commenced November 1st, 2010. This case study will function as my primary performance statement. And I have to express, I’m particularly pleased with the data. Ranking has manifested much quicker than I was expecting as well as for some good sized search words. Observe that I didn’t include Bing or Yahoo however inside reports to my clientele, I incorporate them.

With each and every different assignment, it’s difficult to calculate how fast the search rankings will take place as the competitive level could greatly deviate. Being that my search engine optimization consultant work for this company is in Brazil, those which I’m competing in opposition to aren’t as technically state-of-the-art or as aggressive with their Search engine optimization. It’s rather of a surprise to me given that the real-estate rental and sales business is very lucrative in this powerfully emerging country. And with the world cup and also the Olympics on the way, it is merely going to get more robust.

As you can tell via the report down below, when I began with them, they positioned for a small number of terminology. Their search rankings had been in clear need of a search engine optimization boost and that is precisely what they got!

Note that they did rank for a number of other keywords and phrases although the search values (the quantity of Google queries per month) for those were zero. I don’t bother attempting to position zero query phrases nor will I include those in my results. While I will pursue lower volume words and phrases by request, my primary focus is on good volume keywords which have a healthier prospect of generating significant visitors.

Now, seven weeks afterwards, evaluate the good growth I have developed. Both I and Rio Exclusive are quite happy with these initial outcomes. We can only envision how much better they’ll be in three months even if they improve at just half the pace. Keep in mind that these aren’t low volume keywords / phrases. The #2 word perched at the #4 position receives an projected 74,000 Google queries monthly. I’ve managed to acquire 23 sizeable key phrases inside the top 10 Google positions and twenty-four phrases on page two which merely means they are that much closer to inevitably reaching page 1.

What excites me most is to notice #66 in the top 100 sitting on page seven. This may be a substantial word for us. Folks, that is not 740k; that’s a 7.5 Million requests per month phrase. Progressing to page 1 most likely won’t be possible, at least not so in the near future although progressing to page 2 could be nice. Page 2 is normally not really worth any traffic. Stats indicate that visitors originate from page 1. But in this case, the word is so huge that page two would be nice.

To examine the reports that had been referenced in this article, visit:

Anthony Nunes is a search engine optimization services provider assisting others to increase their rankings in search engines such as Google. He provides seo services to a forex trading system company.

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