Saturday, February 22, 2025

Internet Marketing with Localization and SEO

August 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Local optimizing for Google places needs to be of major focus as the new 2011 ranking algorithm maintains local business listings as the de-facto search criteria. Yahoo local, Microsoft’s Bing local also address local search engine optimization as a service they will also bring into focus as much as Google has. SEO firms using traditional SEO tactics are not fully geared for the radical geographical changes in search indexing. Weekly and daily changes in Google places ranking affect even the highest ranking websites with thousands of backlinks. Some of the local services for local listings ,review sites and local directories for medical, restaurants, and legal services are below

6 pack abs fast!

August 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Zane's Posts There is no such thing as “6-pack abs fast”. You cant buy 6-pack abs from an infomercial or get them from a bottle. Getting 6-pack abs is simple but takes alot of work – eat less and exercise more. This video shows you how to do both.Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep [...]

Resolution: Lose Weight And Get In Shape!

August 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Zane's Posts

Get in Shape! A great new years resolution. People spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying gym memberships and fitness equipment this time of year in preparation for their new years resolutions but you dont have to. Getting in shape doesnt require money, just knowledge and dedication and this video will put you on the [...]