Saturday, February 22, 2025

Soccer Comedy

August 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Zane's Posts

soccer at its funniest


25 Responses to “Soccer Comedy”
  1. shortie5496 says:

    the last one was te funniest

  2. IllegalKneival says:

    4:56 Thats Tight.

  3. youzuko says:

    who the heck sissy reffere..??is he a real reffere..??

  4. bloodysoccer3 says:

    visit my channel and tell me your favorite soccer plyer of all time im doing a survey you can vote for more than one soccer player so far c.ronaldo is in the lead ~thanks

  5. ALEXADBP says:

    what is the song ?! it is realy awesome !!!

  6. everynamewastakenomg says:

    3:00 isnt funny :|

  7. mikedevil6666 says:

    lmao 1:18 that guy is a hero :)

  8. MarinersSuckEggs says:

    uhh, ive heard tat song before a lot but i cant remember. ohhh, thats right, its called the middle

  9. TheNani617 says:

    watch GVMX’s videos they are awesome all about futbol watch now!!!!!!watch GVMX’s videos they are awesome all about futbol watch now!!!!!!watch GVMX’s videos they are awesome all about futbol watch now!!!!!!

  10. TheNani617 says:

    watch GVMX’s videos they are awesome all about futbol watch now!!!!!!watch GVMX’s videos they are awesome all about futbol watch now!!!!!!watch GVMX’s videos they are awesome all about futbol watch now!!!!!!watch GVMX’s videos they are awesome all about futbol watch now!!!!!!

  11. polykar19 says:

    3:15 RKO??

  12. belasoic says:

    3:16 :) sick

  13. Sarge505 says:

    the middle by jimmy eat world

  14. TheNani617 says:

    watch GVMX’s videos now the best soccer videos out there!!!!!!!watch GVMX’s videos now the best soccer videos out there!!!!!!!

  15. chr13tian says:

    1:28 wat song?

  16. TheNani617 says:

    watch GVMX’s videos now the best soccer videos out there!!!!!!!watch GVMX’s videos now the best soccer videos out there!!!!!!!

  17. TheNani617 says:

    watch GVMX’s videos now the best soccer videos out there!!!!!!!

  18. smithwOoh says:

    2 times in tha balls OMG!

  19. crazeypoo says:

    3:00 wtf/?!?!?!

  20. TheNani617 says:

    watch GVMX he is amzing with editing vids watch watch watch!!!!!!!

  21. TheNani617 says:

    watch GVMX he is amzing with editing vids watch watch watch!!!!!!!

  22. TVsoccerTV says:

    cool and funny video…..
    Check my Cristiano ronaldo videos there pretty cool….
    Pleassseee Safe

  23. calientote1 says:

    that referi with homosexual tendencies is funny to see. haha i never get tired of it

  24. gillygaby23 says:

    wow i know now to never play with the boys!!!lol haha very funny!! great job!: )

  25. vldX10 says:

    COOL! LOL!

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