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Learn How to Create a Conversion Friendly Site.

August 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Creating a high conversion rate on your site is simple, if you get the foundation right. Regardless of what you’re promoting, the purpose of your website is to convince your visitors that you have a solution to offer them. The article below explains a few simple to apply points that will help you take the conversion ratio of your website to the next level, without doing any major changes.

Ease of Navigation.

Focus on the Top of Your Page: People see the top of your page first, so this is where you should put your most important content. This is why you need to have the important points and your prime selling advantages right on the top of the page so that your prospects continue to read further. Many visitors will focus on the top of the page, and from there, decide whether or not to remain on the site. You can’t rely on vague or generic content at the top of your page -you want to address the most interesting and exciting points about your product or offer so they can’t resist reading further. If you’re looking for a simple way to make your site convert better, take a close look at the top of your page.These pointers will help you broaden your knowledge on subjects for example Income Xtreme Robot 2.0.

Adding Relevant Images: For your target audience to find your website as a place that they can find the right solutions that are pertinent to their needs, your site shouldn’t be seen as the new circus in town. You do need to be careful about the kind of images you use on your website, you can’t use just any cute or cheesy image you think looks good. Relevancy needs to be the focus and that means that each image used needs to be relevant and in line with the interest of your target audience. The reason why you insert images in a webpage is mainly because you want your visitors to identify with what you’re selling and feel comfortable on your site. You can give a real feel for product you want to sell by using a relevant image, for example, if you are selling an eBook on

Easy to Read Text: Did you know that what kind of text you use, and the color and size of the text can make a real difference in your sites conversions. Use a text that is user friendly on your webpages and make sure it it the size that it appropriate for your visitors. Don’t use a tiny text that’s gray in color on a white background because that’ll prove to be a huge turn off for your visitors and make them leave your site without taking any kind of action. If your content is such that your prospects have difficulty reading it, how can you expect them to be convinced to buy from you? Or to even choose to receive your newsletter? Keep things simple even when it comes to the fonts of your webpage because every single thing matters. Your goal should be to make your visitors feel comfortable with your website and make them feel it is the right place and that in turn,could lead to the action you want them to take. Include Real Testimonials: There are many websites that are unethical out there that will use fake testimonials to show their prospects that their product is valuable. This kind of tactic will backfire, because the average Internet user has changed and is much more educated and aware these days. testimonial to know if it’s true or not. Make sure that you use real testimonials from your real customers with their picture if possible, or an even better idea is to ask if they would give a video testimonial which would be even more convincing. Improving your conversion rates or increasing your sales doesn’t mean you have to make major changes to your website or sales process. If you’re willing to implement the simple tactics that we discussed above you’ll see better conversions coming your way in no time.I’ve discovered that tips mentioned in this article are good for mobile money machines.

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