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Internet Marketing with Localization and SEO

August 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

Local optimizing for Google places needs to be of major focus as the new 2011 ranking algorithm maintains local business listings as the de-facto search criteria. Yahoo local, Microsoft’s Bing local also address local search engine optimization as a service they will also bring into focus as much as Google has. SEO firms using traditional SEO tactics are not fully geared for the radical geographical changes in search indexing. Weekly and daily changes in Google places ranking affect even the highest ranking websites with thousands of backlinks. Some of the local services for local listings ,review sites and local directories for medical, restaurants, and legal services are below

yelp, citysearch, google places, google maps, edmunds, insider pages, local social sites

Optimizing for Google local places is contingent on keyword listing both on page and links to local places pages. It is critical to maintain keywords sparingly and not to overstuff keywords on many local search engines. Your website can be affected diversely with abusing local Google places feature. the good thing is the local search algorithm in the new Google indexing is pretty democratic in allowing smaller business websites the chance to compete with large budget sites that in fact do not offer local services or are part of a corporate chain.

Google maps feature has been around for years so optimizing for this is a simple procedure. Local maps needs to be optimized with photos and video and on page text. Google places feature look like it has changed as some terms more related to links can appear as page one now. SEO for local search engine marketing has been slow to adapt to many of the changes found. One good example is the long haul some local business have made to finally adopt social media marketing as a strategic feature in their current marketing budget. In house social media is somewhat limited as it is a full time endeavor to engage clients within the social network and then push them into real client lead status.

The definitive line where social media meets Google places is drawing even finer which means businesses need to adopt social media and local search marketing as of equal importance as traditional SEO. Search engine optimization as it now exists with many providers is simply page rank,this is not marketing, this is just page indexing. Any SEO provider that in not optimizing your local search engine marketing and social media is doing your business an injustice. Social media with SEO and local search optimization begin to get a strategy of real client leads which mean the bottom line ,sales.

If you use Google places marketing you can save your business a lot of money. the Google service is free and can offer you page one results providing you know how to optimize and keep track on a daily weekly basis your Google places ranking. if you are a law firm and you are paying more than $4000 a month for search terms like ” Personal Injury lawyer Los Angeles” you are still paying too much. Client leads are still mainly offline referrals for doctors and lawyers, the trick is to seal the deal with potential client trust and referrals with social media and local search reviews and visibility.

Getting real client leads is the goal in Google places marketing and search engine optimization. SEO itself is not going to get you the cliet lead potential that is available with social media marketing and local search optimization. Local sites that review services like yours will generate client leads and user trust.

Los Angeles search engine optimization SEO company Los Angeles, for affordable seo in Los Angeles Social media marketing Los Angeles a full service SEO company

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