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A Review of the New Training Program from the Affiliate Marketing Institute

January 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Affiliate Marketing

People every day are learning about the significant income opportunities that can be achieved with online, affiliate marketing. As a result of this, quite a few training courses, focusing on affiliate marketing, are now available on the internet. These course help give people a foundation for all the new skills they’ll need to acquire to make a go of it online. A few people that I knew who had found success in online, affiliate sales encouraged me to find a quality training program to help with this new adventure.

When I started searching the web, I uncovered an online course called “Affilorama” offered by Mark Ling, a very successful affiliate marketer out of New Zealand. This course, at the time, gave me a good start. Other affiliate marketers I’ve spoken with have told me about some other good training courses available online. While there are quite a few good courses out there, I’ve heard about Ed Dales “The Challenge” program and Chris Farrell’s “Membership” training series. I’ve also heard about a course that’s getting some buzz and that’s Traffic Voodoo 2.0 Private Membership Site and Coaching Club. Ed Dale’s and Mark Ling’s basic courses are free of charge. Traffic Voodoo and Chris Farrell have a monthly membership format. There are also other training programs that charge a one time fee.

Recently I was asked by an aspiring affiliate marketer about a new membership style training course called the Affiliate Marketing Institute. I hadn’t heard anything about it, but told that person that I’d find out want I could and get back to her. What I discovered is that the Institute has a unique approach in the way they present their training material. Professional educators have have shown that the best way for people to learn and absorb new material is to deliver training materials in a structured and systematic manner. Modern theory shows that dumping everything at your feet all at once is simply overwhelming. It just isn’t effective. If you look around the internet, you’ll find out that many of these training programs have tons of training material and hour after hour of audio,video and written training materials. While the content is rather comprehensive, the whole approach can be intimidating and it makes people feel like they’re never going to finish and never be learn how to make money online. The more proven technique, in contrast is to offer a program that starts with the basics and then methodically proceeds to more advanced subject matter. That’s the way the Affiliate Marketing Institute has structured their training program.

The Affiliate Marketing Institute delivers the material at regular intervals and everything is laid out in a step-by-step fashion. The members are is updated every few days and new content is delivered and it grows as you work through the program. So if you get busy with other things, content will still be added and you can log back in and continue where you left off. It all starts out with an introduction to affiliate marketing and goes from there. The course cover topics like: working with affiliate networks, how to use WordPress to develop your website, keyword and niche-keyword research, autoresponders and building prospect lists, video and article marketing strategies, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), cost per action (CPA), private label rights (PLR), as well as product creation and joint venture strategies. As you can see, the training covers a lot of topics, but they are presented so that everything is understandable.

If you’re looking into making money online and are interested in affiliate marketing, you should check out the Affiliate Marketing Institute. The site is really rather impressive and, as I’ve mentioned, it is presented in a clear and compelling manner. There are some quality affiliate marketing training courses available today, and you should shop around. There is so much available online these days that it’s easy to get detracted. In addition, there are so many, so called, guru’s enticing you with the latest and greatest offers, that it’s hard to know where to start. Just make sure you start with some training.

The Affiliate Marketing Institute has a top notchaffiliate marketing e-course. Visit the site to get more information and to sign up for their 14 day trial membership for less than $3.00.

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